Indian call center industry

In 2017, the Indian call center market was worth USD 28.19 billion. Expansion in the English and multi language speaking people, skilled professionals for various verticals capable of providing support in the company operations other than tech assistance, govt schemes to publicize the industry further as it contributes to the country's GDP, and low price of goods and services with high quality and professional workforce compared to western economies are all major factors driving the growth of the call center industry in India.

Indian Call Centers are so prevalent in our industry that the phrase "outsourcing" is frequently associated with them! While this is untrue, India is home to a large number of outgoing and inbound call center companies with expertise in applications like:

Campaigns with a Low Budget

outbound back office processing

online research 

outbound back office processing

intelligence gathering, 

India's Best Call Center Services & Outsourcing Applications:

1.) Inbound Tech Support - If you need inbound agents with advanced technical training, Indian technical support organizations can be a perfect solution. In the fields of engineering and computer science, Indian institutions create a large number of qualified workers. For technical assistance or help desk applications, this is ideal.

2.) Outbound with Huge Databases — Low-cost call centers can be a good fit if you need an outbound contact center and also have a large, affordable database/list.

3.) Back Office Processing - This type of work might help you take advantage of India's low labor prices. Data entry, transcribing, and internet research are excellent examples of work that can be outsourced abroad.

4.) Telemarketing Outbound Tests — Do you have an untested outbound campaign or idea? For a few thousands of dollars, low-cost international contact centers might be an excellent way to test your skills.

5.) Consumer Customer Support — When offering volume support for a single item or one-time clients, Indian call centers can be a viable solution. Cost minimization should be a top focus when margins are thin and there are no repeat customers.

Major Obstacles The Challenges Facing India's Call Center Industry

When numerous large firms chose India as a potential offshore services location in the early 2000s, the Indian call center industry began its meteoric rise. The world watched in fascination as India became a top outsourcing market, particularly due to its call center and software industries, in the years that followed. However, the call center sector is currently confronted with numerous issues, ranging from a high incidence of employee attrition to intense competition from growing countries.

Let's take a look at India's top ten call center challenges:

Employee Health Negative Effects: Call centers have a negative reputation for being particularly demanding whenever it comes to workplace health issues. Relentless pressure on employees to work at unusual hours and perform at their best throughout the day in order to meet clients' escalating expectations makes them physically ill. As a result, their circadian rhythms are interrupted, making them vulnerable to digestive problems, hypertension, hazy vision, panic attacks,  insomnia, backache, and a host of other ailments. In the end, these conditions encourage  lower staff productivity, absenteeism, and wreak havoc on employee morale.

High Attrition Rates: The Indian call center sector has long been plagued by high attrition rates ranging from 25 to 40%. Substantial attrition rates are extremely unfavorable for any manager, because when an employee departs the company, it results in a double whammy. First, the emptiness that has resulted has a negative impact on the quality of service quality supplied. Furthermore, filling the vacated role with a good agent and retraining them has significant financial repercussions.

One of the largest operational issues in the call center sector is an industry that has surpassed its peak growth. India is now a mature player, and while accepting this fact at full price appears to be beneficial, the other side of the argument has a different story to tell.

Customers who've already long leased hosted call center operations to India have their fingers on the pulse and are aware of the market's shortcomings. As a result, they sometimes are hesitant to make new investments, which invariably result in the sector's poor growth. Clients are also looking into new outsourced locations that are less expensive, more growth-oriented, and have superior native English speakers.

Tougher International Competition: Malaysia, Poland, China, Brazil, and even the Philippines, have given the Indian call center sector a run for the money in recent times. According to a joint research performed by KPMG & ASSOCHAM  in 2014, competitor countries were stealing over 70% of India's additional BPO revenue. Not only that, but the study revealed that only one out of every ten Indian graduates seeks work in a contact center.


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