
What is a CRM software in detail?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, which refers to a set of strategies, tools, and technologies that businesses use to manage and analyze interactions with customers throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal of CRM is to improve customer retention and increase customer loyalty by understanding and meeting their needs and preferences. It involves collecting and analyzing data about customers, automating and streamlining business processes, and using customer insights to personalize marketing and sales efforts. CRM can encompass a wide range of activities, from capturing customer data, to tracking interactions across multiple channels (e.g. email, phone, social media), to automating sales and marketing workflows, to generating reports and analytics. Overall, CRM helps businesses to build better relationships with their customers and improve their bottom line. CRM software offers many benefits to businesses, including: Improved customer engagement: By centralizing cu

How to host VICIdial on a dedicated server

VICIdial is the open-source contact center solution for various Inbound and Outbound call center activities. Many companies prefer to have the VICIdial setup on their in-house premises as they prefer to manage it in a secured way Today there are lot of options to host VICIdial on servers . The hosting can be done on dedicated servers or on a cloud server. But there are lot of steps involved to host VICIdial on a dedicated server. The companies will prefer to do the hosting manually or it can be done with the help of third-party systems. Vicihost is a website which does this hosting at certain cost. There are also options to host the VICIdial in a cloud server. VICIdial Cloud server provided by oxtrys provides various options to host the solution. They have options to host on either Windows dedicated server or a Linux dedicated server. If you plan to host VICIdial in a dedicated server there will be certain other parameters that will have to be decided or chosen to finalize the cost of

Indian call center industry

In 2017, the Indian call center market was worth USD 28.19 billion. Expansion in the English and multi language speaking people, skilled professionals for various verticals capable of providing support in the company operations other than tech assistance, govt schemes to publicize the industry further as it contributes to the country's GDP, and low price of goods and services with high quality and professional workforce compared to western economies are all major factors driving the growth of the call center industry in India. Indian Call Centers are so prevalent in our industry that the phrase "outsourcing" is frequently associated with them! While this is untrue, India is home to a large number of outgoing and inbound call center companies with expertise in applications like: ● Campaigns with a Low Budget ● outbound back office processing ● online research  ● outbound back office processing ● intelligence gathering,  India's Best Call Center Services &

Grading or Marking system in education

The main distinction among Grading and marking is that marking applies to academic staff correcting and assessing students' work, while grading relates to the use of a grade, potentially a letter, to indicate the students' standard. The grading scale does not have an opportunity for the youngster to think beyond the container, to freely develop his or her thoughts about any subject, or to engage in any intellectual exploration. However, this method is still frequently used in many schools throughout the world and is seen as a powerful and sustainable means of grading a child's grasping and reciprocating abilities. The first method of appraisal was via marks, in which the scores for all of the questions were added together to create a grand total score. Grading Grading is the process of converting numerical marks earned by students into grades. Letters ranging point A to b E are frequently used in grading. The use of letters varies from one exam to the next, and from one in

Software for inbound outbound call center

Having a conversation over the call with a customer is more challenging as compared to other means of communication. The major cause of the difficulty is that the call representatives do not get any pause or some time to frame their answers appropriately. Nonetheless, putting the customers on hold too often can be a risk. Moreover, the representatives might lose the context of the previous conversations and you cannot look at the call summaries or history while they are on a call with them.   Though the former stuff sounds challenging, you do not need to worry. We have got a promising solution for you! The ultimate software to manage every aspect of your inbound and outbound calls and messages. The inbound callers usually seek customer services such as assistance in placing the order, product assistance, and tech support. We assist the inbound call agents to efficiently and quickly offer solutions to the requests and problems of customers. On the other hand, the agents in outbound call

Virtual Machine for Web Hosting

Virtual machine for website hosting is a low-cost virtual server with the power of a dedicated server. Virtual machine hosting does not consume resources dedicated to a single server. However, it makes use of several servers. As your website grows, you will require more and more resources to keep it running smoothly. This is when virtual machine web hosting comes in handy. Virtual Machine hosting, often known as remote desktop virtual server hosting, is meant to provide you with the best possible speed while also allowing you to handle a huge volume of traffic check all virtual machine details here . A virtual computer, commonly referred to as a guest, is constructed within a host computing environment. At any given time, a single host can house several virtual machines. A guest virtual machine is a standalone instance of an operating system, as well as any associated software and data. The hardware that provides the host virtual machine with computer resources including processing pow

What is dockers and how’s its implemented

Overview It is an open platform that is used for developing, shipping and running applications. Docker gives you the power to separate your applications from the main infrastructure so that you can deliver software quickly. Using docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same way. You can take advantage of docker.  With thousands of companies using the data log for monitoring their applications and infrastructure. Moreover, we can also see software trends emerging in the real time. More than 10,000 companies and 700 million containers in real time are using their services. Nearly one quarter of companies are using docker.  You can surely predict one thing now which is, docker is going to be adopted by most of the companies in future. Let’s have a look at the docker platform.  Docker Platform. Docker is providing the ability to package and run an application that is loosely isolated in the environment called a container. The isolation helps you to run many containers simultaneou